April Challenges Day #5 + #6

I did NOT write yesterday… at all. We celebrated my sister’s 16 birthday because my dad will not get off early enough to celebrate on the 8th.

I did however make up for it today with my word count… are you ready? 20,345 words! Whoot, whoot! I made up for yesterdays, todays and lightened the load for tomorrow (or you know… if I don’t write on the 8th.)

I also didn’t read yesterday, so my Read 1K, Write 1k A Day challenge did not happen either. I made up for that today as well. I read four chapters of My Life Next Door by Huntley Fitzpatrick. 🙂 My Forum:

What I’m writing? Book: Untitled Starting Point: 13,607 Today’s total word count: 20,345   What I’m reading? Book: My Life Next Door by Huntley Fitzpatrick Starting Point: 124 2 Chapters Completed: Three!(Page 144) Today’s Book Note: I did not read at all yesterday due to the extensive traveling for my sister’s 16th birthday.

Jordan’s Note: I didn’t write yesterday either. 🙂